Cookie Information and Policy

With your consent, we use “cookies” and other tracking technologies. Cookies are small files we use to store user preferences and enhance users’ experiences with the Site. Most internet browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. Cookies will expire if a user’s system is idle for a defined period of time.

You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your internet browser’s settings. If you choose to erase or block cookies, you may limit our ability to offer you certain services or features.

We use cookies and other forms of analytics technology to better understand our users’ needs and to optimize the Site. These technologies help us understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time spent on which pages of the Site, which links are clicked, what users do and do not like, etc.) to enable us to build and maintain the Site with user feedback. We use cookies and other technologies to collect data on you, including how you interact with the Site, what you click and the keys you press, the pages you visit, your location (country only), the date and time you access the Site, the language you prefer the Site is displayed in, and the URL and domain that referred you to the Site. These technologies may also collect your device’s IP address (in an anonymized format), screen resolution, unique device identifiers, operating system and browser type, location, and preferred language to display the Site. We may store this information in anonymized user profiles. We will not use this information to identify individual users or match it with data on an individual user.