About the Free Industry Seminar Program

The AHR Expo® Educational Program is a lineup of noncommercial educational/training presentations that are open for all AHR registrants to attend free of charge and without separate registration. All endorsing associations and specially invited guests are eligible to present. Anyone from one of these organizations who is interested in giving one or more presentations in the program should fill out an application online for Show Management’s review for approval. 

The seminar schedule will be included in both the online and printed Show Directories. Using the online interface, visitors will be able to search or browse seminars and add the ones they wish to attend to a personal agenda.  Online seminar listings include details such as full descriptions and speaker information (optional to include a headshot + bio).  Speakers and hosting organizations are strongly encouraged to promote their own sessions.

Guidelines for Educational Sessions:

  • All educational/training sessions will be conducted in space at the convention center provided by Show Management. Basic A/V (screen, projector and podium with a wired microphone) will be provided*. Presenting organization will be responsible to order and pay for any additional equipment. 

    *NOTE: Any group with more than four presentations in the same room on the same day will be required to provide ALL of their own A/V equipment unless otherwise arranged with Show Management.

  • Only AHR Expo sponsoring organizations, Endorsing Associations, and special invited guests may host sessions.

  • Content of sessions must be noncommercial in nature and may not directly endorse specific companies, products, or organization membership.

  • No products or equipment are permitted in the meeting rooms.

  • Only non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks may be brought into the rooms and must be ordered through the convention center caterer.

  • Speakers may not be from an HVAC/R manufacturer that is not exhibiting at the AHR Expo.

  • Sessions should address subjects directly related to the HVAC/R industry and may include business related topics. They are encouraged to address one of the trending topics established for the current show.

  • Half-hour and 1-hour time-slots are available. Requests for longer sessions will be considered.

  • Requests for multiple presentations from any one organization will be considered based upon time and space availability. A separate application should be submitted for each presentation.  (See note above about A/V equipment when hosting multiple sessions.)

Application:  ahrexpo.com/seminar-application

Questions?  email Kim Pires at kpires@iecshows.com